
class ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters.InputParameters(definition, inputfile=None, outputfile=False)[source]

It holds the configuration values for a SPR-KKR task and run the task

This class is a ConfigurationContainer, thus, it holds the configuration values for the task. Moreover, according to its definition, it can run the task - execute the executable with proper parameters - and instantiate the result class, which then parse the output of the task.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters.InputParameters


__init__(definition, inputfile=None, outputfile=False)[source]

Create the container and its members, according to the definition

property task_name

Return the task name, as defined in the definition of the parameters (see InputParametersDefinition class)

_default_mpi_runner = None
classmethod default_mpi_runner(auto=False)[source]
Return the executable and its params to run a mpi task.

The runner is determined by autodetection.


auto (bool) –

If true,
  • do not warn if no mpi is found

  • check the number of available cpus, do not return a runner, if there is only one


mpi_runner – List of strings with executable and its parameters to run a mpi task. E.g. [ ‘mpirun’ ] If no suitable runner is found, return False.

Return type

list or False


Return a shell command to execute a mpi task.




mpi_runner – List of strings with the executable and its parameters, e.g.

['mpirun', '-np', '4']

Return type



Will be this task (the task described by this input parameters) runned using mpi?


mpi (list or str or bool) – Optional parameter. If False is given, return False regardless the type of the task, otherwise it is ignored. See InputParameters.mpi_runner for the explanation of the parameter.


is_mpi – Will be this task runned using mpi?

Return type


run_process(calculator, input_file, output_file, print_output=False, executable_postfix=None, mpi=None)[source]

Run the process that calculate the task specified by this input paameters

calculator: ase2sprkkr.sprkkr.calculator.SPRKKR

Calculator, used for running the task. Various configurations are readed from them.

input_file: file

File, where the input parameters for the task are stored.

output_file: file

File, where the output will be writed. It should be opened for writing (in binary mode)

print_output: bool or str

Print the output to the stdout, too? String value ‘info’ prints only selected infromations (depending on the task runned)

executable_postfix: str or None

Postfix, appended to the name of the called executable (sometimes, SPRKKR executables are compiled so that the resulting executables has postfixies)

mpi: list or str or bool

Run the task using mpi? See InputParameters.mpi_runner for the possible values of the parameter.


out – The result of method: the parsed output of the runned task.

Return type


result_reader(calculator=None, directory=None)[source]

Return the result readed: the class that parse the output of the runned task


Calculator, which will be attached to the resulting class for ruther processing the results


Directory, to which will be related the relative paths in the result. If none, get the directory from the calculator, or the current directory

read_output_from_file(filename, directory=None)[source]

Read output of a previously runned task from a file and parse it in a same way, as the process would be runned again.


Filename, from which the result will be read


A directory, to which are related the paths in the output Default None means the directory, where the file is

Return type

([executable], stdin, stdout) params for process.Popen

definitions = {'ARPES': <ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputParametersDefinition object>, 'DOS': <ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputParametersDefinition object>, 'PHAGEN': <ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputParametersDefinition object>, 'SCF': <ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputParametersDefinition object>}
classmethod is_it_a_input_parameters_name(name)[source]
classmethod create_input_parameters(arg)[source]

Create input_parameters object


arg (str or InputParameters) – If an InputParameters object is given, it is returned as is. If a string is given, it is interpreted either as a filename (from which the parameters are read) or the task name, for which the default parameters are used



Return type


classmethod create(name)[source]

Create input parameters for the given task name :param name: Name of the task (e.g. ‘SCF’, ‘PHAGEN’) :type name: str


input_parameters – Input parameters with the default values for the given task.

Return type


classmethod task_definition(task_name)[source]
classmethod default_parameters()[source]

Create default input parameters

classmethod from_file(filename, allow_dangerous=False)[source]

Read an input file and create a new InputParameters object from the readed stuff

  • filename (str or file) – Input file (either its filename, or an open file)

  • allow_dangerous (bool) – Allow to read dangerous values of options: i.e. the values that do not fullfil the required type of the given option or its other requirements.

calculate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a calculator and run the input_parameters. See SPRKKR.calculate for the arguments


Change the task to the given task. Retain the value of the options, that are present in the new task.