
Full name: ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions

Module class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputParametersDefinition, ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputSectionDefinition, ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.input_parameters_definitions.InputValueDefinition


This file contains the classes for definitions of InputParameterss: the list of sections and their allowed (or standard) options and their value formats. InputParameterss and potentials have a simlilar structure, so they share common functionalities from sprkkr.common.configuration_definitions


InputParametersDefinition(name[, sections, ...])

This class describes the format of a task file.

InputSectionDefinition(name[, members, ...])

This class describes the format of one value of a task section

InputValueDefinition(name[, type, ...])

This class describes the format of one value of a task configuration