
Full name: ase2sprkkr.input_parameters.definitions.arpes


ARPES task input parameters definition

Description of the sections and parameters

ARPES - angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy

INPUT PARAMETERS arpes contains:
    SECTION CONTROL contains:
        DATASET : String ≝ case           The custom field for the description of the problem.
        ADSI : FixedValue(ARPES) ≝ ARPES  Type of the computation.
        POTFIL : String                   The potential file (see SPRKKR documentation for its format). It isn't necessary to set it, it will be set by the calculator.
        KRWS : Integer  (optional)
        PRINT : Integer ≝ 0  (optional)   Verbosity of the output (0-5). Do not affect the results in any way, just the amount of the printed output.
        NONMAG : Flag ≝ False             Set this flag, if it is known that the system considered is non-magnetic. This leads to a higher symmetry and a faster calculation.

    SECTION TAU contains:

            Possible values:
              POINTS    special points method
              WEYL      Weyl method

            The Weyl method (BZINT=WEYL) is a point sampling method using more or less ran-
            dom points. The number of k-points used for the integration varies quadratically be-
            tween 0.0 and ImE according to the imaginary part of the energy.

            The special point method (BZINT=POINTS) uses a regular k-point grid with NKTAB
            points. It is the standard method and gives a good compromise concerning accuracy
            and efficiency. For BZINT=POINTS the parameter NKTAB will be adjusted to allow a
            regular mesh.

        NKTAB : Integer ≝ 250  (optional)  Number of points for the special points method
        NKTAB2D : Integer  (optional)     Number of points for the special points method for 2D region of 2D problem
        NKTAB3D : Integer  (optional)     Number of points for the special points method for 3D region of 2D problem
        NKMIN : Integer ≝ 300             Minimal number of k-points used for Weyl integration
        NKMAX : Integer ≝ 500             Maximal number of k-points used for Weyl integration

        Expert options:
            CLUSTER : Flag ≝ False  (optional)  Do cluster type calculation.
            NSHLCLU : Integer  (optional)  Number of atomic shells around the central atom of a cluster
            CLURAD : Integer  (optional)  Radius of the cluster in multiples of ALAT.
            IQCNTR : Site  (optional)     The center of the cluster is set at the site position with number IQCNTR of the specified basis.
            ITCNTR : AtomicType  (optional)  The center of the cluster is set at one of the site positions that is occupied by the atomic type ITCNTR.
            NLOUT : Integer ≝ 3  (optional)  The calculated τ -matrix is printed up to lmax=NLOUT.
            MOL : Flag ≝ False  (optional)  Cluster type calculation but for a molecular system. The system is specified as for CLUSTER.

    SECTION ENERGY contains:
        GRID : Array(of Integer) ≝ [1]
        NE : Array(of Integer) ≝ [300]    Number of points in energy-mesh
        ImE : Energy (<Real> [Ry|eV]) ≝ 0.0  (optional)
        EMINEV : Real ≝ -10.0             Minimum of the energy window in eV with respect to the Fermi level
        EMAXEV : Real ≝ -10.0             Maximum of the energy window in eV with respect to the Fermi level
        EWORKEV : Real ≝ 4.2              Inner potential of the bulk crystal in eV
        IMV_INI_EV : Real ≝ 0.05          Imaginary part of the potential in eV (initial state)
        IMV_FIN_EV : Real ≝ 5.0           Imaginary part of the potential in eV (final state)

    SECTION SITES contains:
        NL : Array(of Integer) ≝ [4]      Angula momentum cutoff (the first discarded l-space)

    SECTION TASK contains:
        TASK : FixedValue(ARPES) ≝ ARPES
        STRVER : Integer ≝ 0
        IQ_AT_SURF : Integer ≝ 2
        MILLER_HKL : Array(of Integer of length 3) ≝ [0 0 1]  (optional)
        NTMP : Integer ≝ 1
        TMPMIN : Real ≝ 11.0
        CTMPMAX : Real ≝ 11.0
        VIBRA : Flag ≝ True  (optional)
        CNVIBRA : Integer ≝ 14

    SECTION SPEC_PH contains:
        THETA : Real ≝ 45.0
        PHI : Real ≝ 0.0
        POL_P : AnyOf(P,S,C+,C-) ≝ P      Polarization of the light
        EPHOT : Real ≝ 6675.0             Photon energy in eV

        Expert options:
            ALQ : Real ≝ 45.0  (optional)  Alignment of polarization vector or pol.ellipsis
            DELQ : Real ≝ 0.0  (optional)  Phase shift between real and imaginary part of e-vector, delq=90 for circular polarized light
            NPOL : AnyOf(0,1,2,3) ≝ 1  (optional)

                Possible values:
                  0         unpolarized and p-s dichroism for the calculation
                  1         p-pol or rcp or elliptical (depends on icirc, etc.)
                  2         s-pol or lcp or elliptical (depends on icirc, etc.)
                  3         dichroism (ddad, ldad)

            ICIRC : AnyOf(0,1,2) ≝ 1  (optional)

                Possible values:
                  0         elliptically pol. light: alq, delq arbitrary
                  1         linear pol. light: alq arbitrary, delq=0
                  2         circular pol. light: alq=45, delq = 90

            IDREH : AnyOf(0,1,-1) ≝ 0  (optional)

                Possible values:
                  0         linearly polarized (equals icirc=1)
                  1         right circular polarization
                  -1        left circular polarization

            IFSP : AnyOf(0,1)  (optional)

                Possible values:
                  0         fixed
                  1         variable

            THETA_FIX : Real  (optional)  Light and electrons are at fixed polarization angle

    SECTION SPEC_EL contains:
        THETA : Range ≝ 45.0  (optional)  Scattering angle
        PHI : Range ≝ 0  (optional)       Scattering angle
        NT : Integer ≝ 1                  Number of angular values for a rotation in polar coordinate.
        NP : Integer ≝ 1                  Number of angular values for a rotation in azimuth coordinate.
        POL_E : FixedValue(PZ) ≝ PZ
        SPOL : Integer  (optional)
        PSPIN : Array(of Real of length 3)  (optional)

        Expert options:
            TYP : AnyOf(0,1,2,3,4) ≝ 1  (optional)

                Possible values:
                  0         i(e) diagram
                  1         rotation diagram -> phi scan
                  2         scattering-angle diagram -> theta scan
                  3         orthonormal projection
                  4         stereographic projection

                3,4 only for angular resolved
                pe (ups, xps) note: nt=np-> nx,ny

            ISTR : Array(of Integer of length 2) ≝ [0 0]  (optional)  beam number (h,k)
            POL0 : Array(of Integer of length 3) ≝ [0 0 0]  (optional)  initial pol.
            POL0L : Array(of Integer of length 3) ≝ [0 0 0]  (optional)  initial pol. in the laboratory system
            Q1 : Complex ≝ (1+0j)  (optional)  Amplitude 1 of the photoelectron used in spin polarized calculations
            Q2 : Complex ≝ 0j  (optional)  Amplitude 2 of the photoelectron used in spin polarized calculations
            Q3 : Complex ≝ 0j  (optional)  Amplitude 3 of the photoelectron used in spin polarized calculations
            Q4 : Complex ≝ (1+0j)  (optional)  Amplitude 4 of the photoelectron used in spin polarized calculations

    SECTION SPEC_STR contains:
        N_LAYDBL : Array(of Integer) ≝ [10 10]  (optional)
        NLAT_G_VEC : Integer ≝ 57
        N_LAYER : Integer ≝ 120
        SURF_BAR : Array(of Real) ≝ [0.25 0.25]  (optional)
        TRANSP_BAR : Flag ≝ False  (optional)

Module Attributes


ARPES task input parameters definition