
class ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_definitions.SectionDefinition(name, members=[], alternative_names=[], info=None, description=None, is_optional=False, is_hidden=False, is_expert=False, has_hidden_members=False, name_in_grammar=None, force_order=None, write_alternative_name=False, result_class=None)[source]

Base class for definition of the sections in Pot or InputParameters files.

It just redefine a few properties/methods to values/behavior typical for the sections

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_definitions.SectionDefinition



write_alternative_name (bool) –

__init__(name, members=[], alternative_names=[], info=None, description=None, is_optional=False, is_hidden=False, is_expert=False, has_hidden_members=False, name_in_grammar=None, force_order=None, write_alternative_name=False, result_class=None)
  • name (str) – Name of the value/section

  • alternative_names (str or [str]) – Alternative names that can denotes the value

  • is_optional (boolean) – If True, this section/value can be missing in the .pot/task file

  • is_hidden (boolean) – Hidden values are not offered to a user, usually they are set by another object (and so a direct setting of their values has no sense)

  • is_expert (boolean) – Expert values/sections are not required and they are somewhat hidden from the user

  • name_in_grammar (boolean or None) – If False, there the name of the variable is not printed in the configuration file. The variable is recognized by its position. If None, the default class value is used

  • info (str) – A short help message for the value/section. It will be the perex for description.

  • description (str) – The additional informations for the users.

  • write_alternative_name (bool) – Wheter use the name or the (first) alternative name in the output.

  • result_class – Redefine the class that holds data for this option/section


alias of Section

property values
custom_value_name = 'CUSTOM_VALUE'

Just the name that appears in the grammar, when it is printed.

classmethod delimited_custom_value_grammar()[source]

Return the grammar for the custom child with delimiter. The delimiter can delimite it either from the previous child or from the section name.
