
class ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_definitions.BaseDefinition(name, alternative_names=None, is_optional=False, is_hidden=False, is_expert=False, name_in_grammar=None, info=None, description=None, write_alternative_name=False, result_class=None)[source]

A base class for a configuration definition, either of an option, or of a container. The definition determine the type of value(s) in the configuration/problem-definition file, the format of the values, the way how it/they is/are read etc…

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_definitions.BaseDefinition



write_alternative_name (bool) –

__init__(name, alternative_names=None, is_optional=False, is_hidden=False, is_expert=False, name_in_grammar=None, info=None, description=None, write_alternative_name=False, result_class=None)[source]
  • name (str) – Name of the value/section

  • alternative_names (str or [str]) – Alternative names that can denotes the value

  • is_optional (boolean) – If True, this section/value can be missing in the .pot/task file

  • is_hidden (boolean) – Hidden values are not offered to a user, usually they are set by another object (and so a direct setting of their values has no sense)

  • is_expert (boolean) – Expert values/sections are not required and they are somewhat hidden from the user

  • name_in_grammar (boolean or None) – If False, there the name of the variable is not printed in the configuration file. The variable is recognized by its position. If None, the default class value is used

  • info (str) – A short help message for the value/section. It will be the perex for description.

  • description (str) – The additional informations for the users.

  • write_alternative_name (bool) – Wheter use the name or the (first) alternative name in the output.

  • result_class – Redefine the class that holds data for this option/section


The name of the option/section


Alternative names of the option/section. The option/section can be “denoted” in the configuration file by either by its name or any of the alternative names.


Is it required part of configuration (or can it be ommited)?

name_in_grammar = True

Is the name of the value/section present in the file?

When False, the option/section name is not written to the file at all. The value(s) of the option/section is/are then expected to be located in the file just after the previous one.

By default, all options and sections… are named (in the configuration file). However, the attribute can be redefined in instantiated objects and/or descendant classes to change the behavior.


A short help text describing the content for the users.


A longer help text describing the content for the users.

result_class = None

Parsing of the data results in an instance of this class. To be redefined in descendants.


Return short help string.


generic (bool) – If the definition has no help specified and generic is True, return a (not saying much) generic help string

Return type



Creates Section/Option/…. object (whose properties I define)


Generate grammar with the correct settings of pyparsing global state


allow_dangerous (bool) – Allow dangerous values - i.e. values that do not fulfill the requirements for the given-option value (i.e. a type requirement or other constraints).

_description_indentation = '    '

Nested levels of description will be indented using this ‘prefix’

description(verbose=True, show_hidden=False, prefix='')[source]
  • verbose (bool) – If true, add also detailed documentation of all included items (e.g. members of a container)

  • show_hidden (bool) – If False (default), do not show descriptions of hidden members.

  • prefix (str) – The string, with with each line will begin (commonly the spaces for the indentation).

_tuple_with_my_name(expr, delimiter=None, has_value=True, is_numbered_array=False)[source]

Create the grammar returning tuple (, <result of the expr>)

  • expr – Pyparsing expresion for the value of the option/section

  • delimiter – Pyparsing expression for the name-value delimiter

  • has_value (bool) – If False, do not add the parsed value to the results. This can be used e.g. for separators (see ase2sprkkr.common.grammar_types.Separator) etc.

  • is_numbered_array (bool) – If True, the resulting grammar is in the form NAME[index]=….

do_not_skip_whitespaces_before_name = False

Compute the dictionary that defines the attributes to create a copy of this object.


copy – The returning dictionary has this structure: { name of the argument of the __init__ function : name of the object attribute }

Return type


_copy_excluded_args = ['expert']

If True, the item can be repeated in the parsed file. This behavior have currently the values with is_numbered_array property = True. This function is to be redefined in descendants