
class ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_containers.RootConfigurationContainer(definition, container=None)[source]

Base class for data of configuration/problem-definition files

In addition to container capabilities, it can read/write its data from/to file.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_containers.RootConfigurationContainer


__init__(definition, container=None)

Create the container and its members, according to the definition


Implementation of the saving the configuration

read_from_file(file, clear_first=True, allow_dangerous=False)[source]

Read data from a file

  • file (str or file) – File to read the data from

  • clear_first (bool) – Clear the container first. Otherwise, the data in the sections that are not present in the file are preserved.

  • allow_dangerous (bool) – Allow to load dangerous_values, i.e. the values that do not pass the requirements for the input values (e.g. of a different type or constraint-violating)


Find a configuration value of a given name in the owned sections