
class ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_containers.ConfigurationContainer(definition, container=None)[source]

A container for configuration (problem-definition) options and/or sections.

Options in the configuration (problem-definition) files are grouped to sections, sections are then grouped in a configuration file object. This is a base class for these containers.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.common.configuration_containers.ConfigurationContainer


__init__(definition, container=None)[source]

Create the container and its members, according to the definition


Members of the container. I.e. the option of the section, or sections of the configuration file e.t.c.


  • members (dict)

  • A dictionary of the shape { name : member }


Return the member of the container of a given name. It search either the members and interactive_members containers


Erase all values (or reset to default) from all options in the container (ad subcontainers)

  • do_not_check_required (bool) –

  • (default) (Do not check validity of the values after clearing. If False) –

  • argument (is passed as this) –

  • value (the required option without a default) –

  • exception ((or a section containing such value) throw an) –

  • the (which prevents) –

  • (neverthenless (clearing) –

  • anyway). (previous values in the section will be cleared) –

get(name=None, unknown='find')[source]

Get the value, either of self or of a child of a given name.

  • name (None or str) – If None, return contained values as a dictionary. Otherwise, return the value of the member with the given name.

  • unknown (str or None) – If unknown == ‘find’ and there is no member with a given name, try to find the first such in descendant conainers.



Return type


set(values={}, value=None, *, unknown='find', **kwargs)[source]

Set the value(s) of parameter(s). Usage:

> input_parameters.set({‘NITER’: 5, ‘NE’: [10]}) or > input_parameters.set(NITER=5, NE=[10])

  • values (Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]]) – Dictionary of values to be set, or the name of the value, if the value is given.

  • value – Value to be set. Setting this argument require to pass string name to the values argument.

  • unkwnown ('add', 'find' or None) – How to handle unknown (not known by the definition) parameters. If ‘find’, try to find the values in descendant containers. If ‘add’, add unknown values as custom values. If None, throw an exception. Keyword only argument.

  • **kwargs (dict) – The values to be set (an alternative syntax as syntactical sugar)

add(name, value=None)[source]

Add custom value to the container

  • name (str) – Name of the added value

  • value (value) – Value of the added value


Remove a (previously added) custom value from the container


name (str) –


Return the content of the container as a dictionary. Nested containers will be transformed to dictionaries as well.


only_changed (Union[bool, str]) – Return only changed values, or all of them? If True, return only the values, that differ from the defaults. If False, return all the values. The default value ‘basic’ means, return all non-expert values and all changed expert values.


Return the configuration (problem definition) in a string.


  • configuration (str)

  • The configuration, as it should be saved in a configuration/problem definition file.


Find a value of a given name in self or in any of owned subcontainers.

  • name (str) –

  • options (A name of the sought) –


  • value (typing.Optional[ase2sprkkr.common.options.Option])

  • The first option of the given name, if such exists. None otherwise.

static _interactive_member_name(name)[source]

Create a sanitized name from a member-name.

The sanitized names are keys in interactive_members array, and thus the members are accesible by <container>.<member> notation.


Save the configuration to a file. The method is implemented in the descendants.

Return type



Validate the configuration data. Raise an exception, if the validation fail.


why (str) – Type of the validation. Possible values save - Full validation, during save. set - Validation on user input. Allow required values not to be set. parse - Validation during parsing - some check, that are enforced by the parser, can be skipped.