
class ase2sprkkr.sprkkr.atomic_types.AtomicType(symbol, atomic_number=None, n_core=None, n_valence=None, n_semicore=None, n_electrons=None)[source]

Atomic type represent a type of atom, that could be placed at the atomic site.

It can be either a real chemical element, or vacuum pseudoelement. It also determine the number of electrons and valence electrons.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.sprkkr.atomic_types.AtomicType


__init__(symbol, atomic_number=None, n_core=None, n_valence=None, n_semicore=None, n_electrons=None)[source]
  • symbol (str or int) – Chemical symbol, e.g. Fe, N, …. If int is given, attempt to guess the symbol using third party library is done

  • atomic_number (int) – Atomic number If it’s zero, an attempt to guess it from the chemical symbol is done.

  • n_core (int) – Number of core electrons If it’s zero, an attempt to guess it from the chemical symbol/atomic number is done.

  • n_valence (int) – Number of valence electrons If it’s zero, an attempt to guess it from the chemical symbol/atomic_number is done.

  • n_semicore (int) – Number of semicore electrons If it’s zero, an attempt to guess it from the chemical symbol/atomic_number is done.

  • n_electrons (int) –

_mendeleev_module = None
property mendeleev
property atomic_number
property symbol
property n_electrons
property n_valence
property n_core
property n_semicore
classmethod to_atomic_type(value)[source]