
class ase2sprkkr.potentials.potentials.Potential(atoms=None, definition=None)[source]

It holds data form SPR-KKR potential file

It, in addition to being a containers for their sections, can read/write its properties from/to an ASE atoms object.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.potentials.potentials.Potential


__init__(atoms=None, definition=None)[source]

Create the container and its members, according to the definition

read_from_file(file, atoms=None, allow_dangerous=False)[source]

Read data from a file

  • file (str or file) – File to read the data from

  • clear_first – Clear the container first. Otherwise, the data in the sections that are not present in the file are preserved.

  • allow_dangerous – Allow to load dangerous_values, i.e. the values that do not pass the requirements for the input values (e.g. of a different type or constraint-violating)


Call this function, if you set manually all the properties necessary to create the atoms object

property atoms

Update the ASE object from the values contained in the sections of the potential

set_from_atoms(atoms=None, io_data=None)[source]

Set the sections’ values of the potential according to the given ASE atoms object.

  • atoms – The atoms object, from which the data will be set. If it is None, the atoms property of the potential (self.atoms) is used.

  • io_data (Optional[WriteIoData]) – The additional (in the time of the creation frozen) state of the atoms object, that contains e.g. numbering of the sites, atomic types etc. If is not set, it is created from the atoms.

potential_definition = <ase2sprkkr.potentials.potential_definitions.PotentialDefinition object>
static from_file(filename, atoms=None, allow_dangerous=False)[source]

Create a potential from a given potential file.

classmethod from_string(string, atoms=None, allow_dangerous=False)[source]

Create a potential from a string containing a content of a potential file.


string (str) –

classmethod from_atoms(atoms)[source]

Create a potential, that describes the given atoms object.
