
class ase2sprkkr.outputs.readers.scf.ScfResult(input_parameters, calculator, directory, result, error, return_code)[source]

Objects of this class holds the results of computed SCF class

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.outputs.readers.scf.ScfResult


__init__(input_parameters, calculator, directory, result, error, return_code)
property iterations

Array of the results of iterations

property potential_filename

New (output) potential file name

property potential

The new (output) potential - that contains the converged charge density etc.

property calculator

The calculator that has the new (output) potential assigned - i.e. that can be used for further calculations with the (hopefully) converged wavefunctions etc.

property energy

Total energy of the last iteration

property converged

The calculation coverged or not?


Return the array of values of given name from the iterations (i.e. “the column of the table of the values”)

E.g. result.iteration_values(‘ETOT’) return list of floats - the total energies computed in each iteration.


name (str) – Name of the parameter


values – The values.

Return type


property last_iteration

Return the data of the last iteration

plot(what=['error', 'ETOT'], filename=None, logscale={'err'}, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the development of the given value(s) during iterations.

  • what (list[str]) – Names to be plotted

  • filename (str or None) – If filename is given, the plot is rendered to the file, it is show on the screen otherwise.

  • logscale ([str]) – Which values should be rendered in logscale

  • **kwargs (dict) – All other arguments are passed to the matplotlib Axes.plot function