
class ase2sprkkr.common.options.DangerousValue(value, value_type=None, validate=True)[source]

This class is used to store (encapsulate) a value, which should not be validated - to overcame sometimes too strict enforment of the options values.

Class hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of ase2sprkkr.common.options.DangerousValue


  • value_type (GrammarType | None) –

  • validate (bool) –

__init__(value, value_type=None, validate=True)[source]
  • value – A value to be stored

  • value_type (GrammarType | None) – A grammar type, that the value should satisfy (commonly a mixed type). Can be None - when the only requirement to the value is that it can be stringified.

  • validate (bool) – Should be the value validated or not (e.g. the value parsed by grammar has been already validated, so there is no need to do it again)
