
Full name: ase2sprkkr.ase.visualise.view

ase2sprkkr.ase.visualise.view(atoms, repeat=None, scale_radii=0.5, rotations='', bonds=False, graph='', terminal=False, blocking=False)[source]

Visualise atoms using ase viewer

  • repeat (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]]) – Repeat the structure along axes [x,y,z]. If int is given, use the same number for all axis.

  • scale_radii (float) – Relative size of atomic sites

  • rotations (str) – Examples: “x90”, “y90,z90”.

  • bonds – Show bonds between atoms.

  • graph (str) –

  • terminal

  • blocking (bool) – Run the viewer in a subprocess to achieve nonblocking viewing.